17 Creative Alternatives to Lorem Ipsum

What if we added a fun twist to our dearest dummy text?

Ruxandra-Theodora Mazilu
4 min readJan 7, 2021
Image source: https://www.prepressure.com/design/basics/lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet

It gets boring seeing the same placeholder text in every mockup. And, apparently, Lorem Ipsum has been around since the 1500s. Doesn’t our dearest dummy text deserve a break?

I’ve gathered 17 creative, funny alternatives to Lorem Ipsum and listed them below. As they’re all pretty diverse, I’m sure there is at least one that matches you (or your client). Who says mockups can’t be fun?

1. The 2020 Ipsum

Screencapture (https://2020-ipsum.com/)

“Coronavirus flatten the curve quaranteam sourdough bread UFO home office drive-in take out order.” — 2020 in one sentence!

2. The Cheesy Ipsum

Screencapture (http://www.cheeseipsum.co.uk/)

Cheese lover? Join the club and “Let’s Generate Some Cheese”!

3. The Hipster Ipsum

Screencapture (https://hipsum.co/)

You can either go “neat” hipster or Latin hipster. Start with “I’m baby” or not. Everything I’ve ever wanted from a placeholder text.

4. The Pirate Ipsum

Screencapture (https://pirateipsum.me/)

Ay, ay, Captain! Are you ready to conquer the sea of dummy texts?

5. The British Ipsum

Screencapture (https://www.pommyipsum.com/)

Use the official text generator of the British Empire and add a sassy twist to your projects.

6. The Cupcake Ipsum

Screencapture (http://www.cupcakeipsum.com/)

Got a sweet tooth? Then this one is made for you!

7. The Office Ipsum

Screencapture (http://officeipsum.com/)

Choose from meeting Ipsum, typical feedback Ipsum, or the old fashioned Ipsum. It’s perfect if you’ve been missing the office life.

8. The Cat Ipsum

Screencapture (http://www.catipsum.com/)

What project couldn’t benefit from the purr-effect?

9. The Bacon Ipsum

Screencapture (https://baconipsum.com/)

Caution: avoid this one when presenting projects to non-meat eaters.

10. The Fillerama Ipsum

Screencapture (http://fillerama.io/)

Fan of Doctor Who, Futurama, Dexter, Arrested Development, or The Simpsons? Star Wars and Monty Python and the Holy Grail are here too. I’m never using another tool again!

11. The Zombie Ipsum

Screencapture (http://www.zombieipsum.com/)

Regular? Lite? Or 50% More Braiiinnnns? If you want to impress, go with the latter one. “De braaaiiiins apocalypsi gorger omero prefrontal cortex undead survivor fornix dictum mauris.” — This is exactly how all dummy texts should look like.

12. The Online Dating Ipsum

Screencapture (https://laurenhallden.com/datingipsum/)

Would you like your dummy text “Typical inane jabber” or “With a side of crazy sauce”?

13. The Legal Ipsum

Screencapture (http://legalipsum.com/)

Fancy something a bit more serious? Well, you’re not really in the right place, as this one is “For those times when you need some legal-sounding gibberish but don’t have the budget to hire a lawyer at $400/hr.”.

14. The Bluth Ipsum

Screencapture (https://bluthipsum.com/)

Want your project to be perfect? Sprinkle some Arrested Development quotes into it!

15. The Lit Ipsum

Screencapture (https://litipsum.com/)

This one is for your classic fiction lover side.

16. The Monocle Ipsum

Screencapture (http://www.monocleipsum.com/)

Raise the level of your project’s fanciness. If you want to pull this one off, tophat is required!

17. The Sagan Ipsum

Screencapture (http://saganipsum.com/)

Let Carl Sagan’s quotes make your project transcend the limits of amazingness!

I want to keep the list going — if you know another fun alternative to Lorem Ipsum, let me know in the comments!



Ruxandra-Theodora Mazilu

Marketing Freelancer | MA in Communication and Advertising